Friday, December 17, 2010

The Seed of Christmas: Is Heterosexuality Under Attack? Looks Like It.

Hello, Everyone.

Last week, I was thinking about the world we live in, current events, and events of the past that are mentioned in the Bible. Then, this thought came to mind, "I think Satan developed hatred for heterosexuality when the event of Genesis 3:15 occurred". Genesis 3:15 (KJV) states, " And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." The seed being spoken of here is Jesus Christ, also known as Jesus the Christ and Christ Jesus. For more details about Genesis 3:15, see the commentary at the end of this post.

 God punished Satan for what he caused in the Garden of Eden, by placing a curse upon him which included a promised encounter with Jesus Christ. When that promised encounter occurred Jesus Christ defeated Satan's plans by rescuing our souls out of his hands, via what He did for humanity at the Cross. By his death, and resurrection He gave a fatal blow to the devil's kingdom and his plans for humanity.

The story of Jesus Christ's birth is very familiar to us; it is the Christmas story. It is also, a story of geneology --- of seed(s). It all began with the seeds of Eve (of the Garden of Eden), the babies she gave birth to from the seeds (semen) of Adam. The geneological story continued with the seeds of all the other women that gave birth to babies from the seed(s) of the males they encountered. Basically, the seed of the women is produced by the seed of the man, which is a result of heterosexual interaction. All the births that led up to the birth of Mary, the biological mother of Jesus Christ, were apart of the promised seed arriving. Of course, Mary being a virgin, conceived Jesus Christ by a divine seed rather than by the seed of a man. Jesus Christ was and is the Seed, and today, babies are still 'seeds'.

If it had not been for all the seeds of women produced by seeds of men, the results of heterosexual interaction, Mary wouldn't have been born, and therefore, she wouldn't have been around to give birth to Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ, the Seed, hadn't been born Satan's kingdom wouldn't have received the fatal blow that Jesus Christ manifested. As a consequence, Satan's destructive, evil plans for humanity would have succeeded and ALL souls would be eternally lost to hell. In a nutshell, so to speak, heterosexuality produced Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ defeated Satan's plans for ALL humans' souls to end up in hell with him, taking ALL of our Creator's beloved humans with him.

Since, the event at the Cross, it seems Satan has been striking at seeds (babies which could grow up to be people that live for Jesus Christ rather than Satan and do his kingdom even more damage) by trying to prevent them from occurring and manifesting; by trying to prevent them from being born. Satan is trying to prevent more seeds through two major ways:
  • by preventing heterosexuality via heterosexual attraction and interactions in relationships God has defined as a blessing
  • by abortions of babies at all stages of growth in the womb and partially out of the womb
It looks like Satan hates seeds because of what the Seed, did to his plans for humanity and therefore, he's been going after heterosexuality and the resulting seeds, babies. We all know that the only sexual interaction that produces babies, is a heterosexual one.

Our Creator designed heterosexuality to be a blessing. Heterosexuality is part of the 3 John 1:2 blessing regarding Spiritual Affluence, Physical Affluence and Financial Affluence. Our Creator's blessings are a package of gifts. When all the pieces of the package are not accepted the entire blessing is not received and enjoyed, as He designed them to be. Since He created us, and we had no part in the creation of the human being, He knows what is best for us the way the manufacturer of a brand of automobile knows what is best, in every way, for the automobile they created.

To receive and enjoy the full blessings package of gifts our Creator has established for us, we have to not believe the lies that Satan whispers and yells to us about heterosexuality because all he wants to do is harm us, destroy us and prevent more of us from being born.

Christmas is the story of the birth of the Seed and what He did for humanity at the Cross. Everyone that will accept Him as Saviour and Lord, living as our Creator has defined and prescribed, will gain access to the full blessings package of gifts.  Doing otherwise only gives us a portion of the package and therefore, far less than the best our Creator has established.

Commentary: The serpent cursed, The promised Seed.

"God passes sentence; and he begins where the sin began, with the serpent. The devil's instruments must share in the devil's punishments. Under the cover of the serpent, the devil is sentenced to be degraded and accursed of God; detested and abhorred of all mankind: also to be destroyed and ruined at last by the great Redeemer, signified by the breaking of his head. War is proclaimed between the Seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. It is the fruit of this enmity, that there

is a continual warfare between grace and corruption, in the hearts of God's people. Satan, by their corruptions, buffets them, sifts them, and seeks to devour them. Heaven and hell can never be reconciled, nor light and darkness; no more can Satan and a sanctified soul. Also, there is a continual struggle between the wicked and the godly in this world. A gracious promise is here made of Christ, as the Deliverer of fallen man from the power of Satan. Here was the drawn of the gospel day: no

sooner was the wound given, than the remedy was provided and revealed. This gracious revelation of a Saviour came unasked, and unlooked for. Without a revelation of mercy, giving some hope of forgiveness, the convinced sinner would sink into despair, and be hardened. By faith in this promise, our first parents, and the patriarchs before the flood, were justified and saved. Notice is given concerning Christ. 1. His incarnation, or coming in the flesh. It speaks great encouragement to sinners,

that their Saviour is the Seed of the woman, bone of our bone, Heb 2:11, 14. 2. His sufferings and death; pointed at in Satan's bruising his heel, that is, his human nature. And Christ's sufferings are continued in the sufferings of the saints for his name. The devil tempts them, persecutes and slays them; and so bruises the heel of Christ, who is afflicted in their afflictions. But while the heel is bruised on

earth, the Head is in heaven. 3. His victory over Satan thereby. Christ baffled Satan's temptations, rescued souls out of his hands. By his death he gave a fatal blow to the devil's kingdom, a wound to the head of this serpent that cannot be healed. As the gospel gains ground, Satan falls. (Ge 3:16-19)"

 ~ Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible (is available in the Public Domain).

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FYI: 'Ciao' is an Italian word which means 'Hello' and 'Good-bye'. With the title of this blog, I've chosen 'Hello' because I'm greeting AFFLUENCE and welcoming it into my life, blissfully. I aspire to encourage you to do the same, too, if you are not already doing so. So, essentially, we're saying, "Hello, Affluence!"

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