Tuesday, August 17, 2010

From Eden to Today, God's Desire is Heaven's Best

Image courtesy of Wikipedia
Everything Jesus ever said or did, from Creation to His death on the cross, was done for suffering humanity. From the time Adam entered the Garden known as Eden to today, Creator God's desire for humanity is to give us heaven's best.
St. Matthew's Church

Hello, Everyone, that quote is based on the Scripture of III John 1:2 (KJV) which states, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."  In other words III John 1:2 is stating, "Beloved, it is My desire, above all things, that you prosper, and be healthy as your soul prospers.  One more way to say this is, "Beloved, it is My desire that you become financially affluent (prosper) and physically affluent (healthy) as you become Spiritually affluent (soul prospers)."  This means our Creator, God, desires for us to experience the best/His best financially, physically (which includes mentally) as our soul prospers.  Therefore, we discern that as our soul prospers we can flourish in prosperity (wealth of finances and riches) and health, simultaneously.  That makes sense!

When humans' souls are prospering as God desires, it is reflected in our actions.  There are certain things we are doing, and certain things we are not doing.  For example:

  • We are supporting or aiding others to prosper and flourish financially, physically and Spiritually with our time, words, actions, resources and finances, that are supporting or aiding others in activities and services that the Creator approves of.  We do not support, nor aid to prosper and flourish, that which the Creator has deemed un-wise, un-healthy and detrimental to the mind, body, prosperity and soul of self or others.  Afterall, He created us so it stands up to reasoning that He knows what is best for all, in all circumstances at all times.  "Father God knows best".
  • We are speaking to ourselves and others with wisdom and insights from our Creator, God, about what to say, when to say it and how to phrase it.  We tell the truth, with our Creator's guidance.  We do not lie.
  • We treat and take care of the earth, its water, air and other resources according to His details/specifications.  Afterall, He established it all for our well-being and the Creator knows His Creation better than anyone else.
  • We are thinking about ourselves the way He (our Creator) instructs us to, and of others, also.
  • We are treating other humans and ourselves the way He (our Creator), wants us to.  We are taking good care of ourselves (physically, mentally, and Spiritually), and not harming, violating, nor exploiting others.  Harming, violating or exploiting others causes our souls to not prosper and therefore, our health and prosperity suffer.  Sure those that increase in dollars/currency from harming others have a financial prosperity for a season; it's fleeting and accompanied by a lot of trouble, and evil.  The lifestyle is one of secrecy, treachery and unrest, and by the Creator's rules "those that dig pits for others fall into that pit, themselves".   Also, everyone reaps whatever he or she sows.  There is no escaping that cycle of events.  Now, I'm about to be very specific in the next, several lines here, because many of my readers to come don't know, yet.  So, in plain terms this means:

    • no stealing, 
    • no selling of fake-organics, nor of other destructives
    • no designing genetically-modified organisms for food for humans and animals,
    • no animal abuse (pets, farm or wild)
    • no bestiality,
    • no spouse abuse,
    • no child abuse,
    • no human-trafficking,
    • no rape,
    • no incest,
    • no pedophelia,
    • no pornography,
    • no drug abuse,
    • no alcohol abuse,
    • no substance abuse,
    • no selling of drugs, alcohol and other substances to others to abuse,
    • no mutilations,
    • no murder (not even self-murder a.k.a suicide),
    • no Sharia Law,
    • no adultery, no bigamy, no fornication and all the other things Creator God says will destroy us if we participate in them.  

    Just reviewing the reports and results of all the instances that there are records and knowledge of  about such 'no' occurrences in the past, we discern the mayhem, pain, suffering, depression, chaos, disease, and other destruction they cause, initiate, facilitate and manifest.  Consequently, it is easy to understand why our Creator, God, has said, "no" to these actions and behaviors.

    However, the good news (very good) is that not doing the behaviors and actions He defines as harmful and actually doing the behaviors and actions he defines as good, right, and blessed is designed by Him to cause us to prosper/flourish in our souls and therefore, in our health and prosperity (wealth of finances and riches)!  Sounds like He's established a wonderful plan for a very good lifestyle, here on earth for humanity.  All we have to do is work with Him and His plan, not against!
When I mentioned not harming others, you may have thought of events such as battles and wars, and of times when others are harmed because we must defend ourselves against what harmful action one is, or some are, attempting to do to us.  Creator God has approved of battles at times (as we read/see in His Bible) and He does allow us to defend ourselves, and others, and aids us in doing so when someone is attempting to harm us because they desire to.  Yet, His original plan for humanity was the lifestyle of Eden: ever-blissful wealth, ever-blissful health and ever-blissful peace, at  all times.  All of humanity would already have that Eden lifestyle, if Eve and Adam had not made the bad choices that they did, listening to the ultimate 'Decepticon' (borrowing that term for 'a deceiver' from the movie, 'Transformers').

Fortunately for humanity, via what Christ Jesus, a.k.a Jesus Christ, did for us we can experience III John 1:2 here on earth, if we 'do and be' as He instructs us to and don't make the bad, un-wise choices like Adam and Eve, did.  Creator God still loves humanity and it is still His desire for us to have heaven's best here on earth.  Just check out the scripture, Matthew 6:10 KJV of the Lord's Prayer,
"Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."
and reflect on what it means to have Creator God's will (desire) to be done on earth, for us, as it is in heaven.  Have you read from His Bible what His heaven is, yet?  If you haven't go do so, today.  You will be amazed at how fabulous it is!  Will there be reason to cry tears of pain or sorrow, there?   Find out.  Will there be shanty towns there?  Find out; read and see.  Will there be poverty and lack there?  Will there be cause for poor health there?  Will there be soul-depravity there?  After you've found out for yourself, you'll understand the significance of the Lord's Prayer.

The choice is ours to make.  The right decisions are ours to make.  Our Creator has already established His best for humanity.  And the most wonderful thing is no one else has to lose or be harmed for another to gain.  Many are already partaking of God's III John 1:2 blessing enjoying affluent lifestyles with no sorrow added (from doing 'no's).  They, either, stopped doing the 'no's and chose God's way or they never started doing the 'no's and chose God's way.  They are affluent in three ways: Spiritually affluent, financially affluent and physically affluent.

As I've mentioned, Creator God has already approved of all of us having all three 'affluences'; He's informed us of this in so many sections of His Bible!  I've chosen His way to be Spiritually affluent, financially affluent and physically affluent.  What about you?  I hope you have, or do!  The whole earth will be like Eden if we choose ... ...

Take care!

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Note: Beloved means dearly loved, greatly loved, dear to the heart; refers to an intimate relationship of love. Also, regarded with much love and tenderness; a person that is greatly loved.  This is how affectionately Creator God thinks of us; we asre His beloved(s).

About This Blog

Welcome! I enjoy inspirational quotes for the insight and wisdom they impart in just a few words. I’d like to share them with you in this blog, as well as posts, videos and other content related to achieving affluence in a positive, life-enriching way for yourself & your loved-ones, and then generously helping others achieve wholeness via affluence, too. I like to highlight "All Aspects of Affluence for a Life of 'Heaven on Earth' as Much as Possible for Everyone, Globally!"

FYI: 'Ciao' is an Italian word which means 'Hello' and 'Good-bye'. With the title of this blog, I've chosen 'Hello' because I'm greeting AFFLUENCE and welcoming it into my life, blissfully. I aspire to encourage you to do the same, too, if you are not already doing so. So, essentially, we're saying, "Hello, Affluence!"

Visit '2010' and 'Financial Affluence' to watch and listen to videos featuring people that have welcomed affluence into their lives. I believe you'll find them uplifting and inspiring. Their heart's desires are coming true!

Thank-you for visiting with me! Here's a page of the Marketing Mentor's Resources for Growing Your Creative Business for you. If you're an entrepreneur or would like to become one, I think you'll enjoy the information. Have a delightful day! Take care.

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