Monday, September 14, 2009

Money Decisions, Financial Freedom

“Money decisions are life decisions. Attain financial freedom and you gain the ability to do with your life what you always wanted to be able to do with it. It’s not just about saving your money. It’s also about saving your life.”
~ Rob Bennett

Friday, September 11, 2009

Good Sense: Do You Have It?

“Good sense is at the bottom of everything: virtue, genius, wit, talent and taste.”
~ J.J. de Chenier

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Manifesting for Millions?

Hello, Everyone!

I'm very excited to share this with you now, because I've had a chance to try this 'manifesting tool' I'm sharing with you, myself, and it is almost unbelievable how powerful this is.

I apologize if I get right to the point, however this is too important to spend a bunch of time dancing around it.

Let me explain...

One thing I've noticed along the way is how difficult it can be to try and get your "inner game" finely tuned so you actually can achieve what you desire in life.

This applies to business, personal life, finances...EVERYTHING.

Sure, you can set goals and all that, yet somehow you just seem to lose focus before you get there. It's kind of like too many things gets in the way, you know?

All that can change!

Because now there is a powerful way to literally set your sight on what you want to happen in your life, and then GET IT--simply by watching a movie.

I'm NOT kidding.

It's best for you to see how this works for yourself. I think you'll catch the vision very quickly when you do.

Watch this feature to find out how to achieve anything you want!

When you see how low the price is on this, you will be shocked! I've paid more than this for
a book, and this is an entire program.

So as the saying goes, "You snooze, you lose!" Wake up to the possibilities of your life

And DO this!

OK, gotta run, but we'll 'talk' again soon.


P.S. I Almost forgot to mention, they have some great check them out, and see how this can help achieve all your goals in life.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

His Work, His Way, Receives His Supply

“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply. He is too wise a God to frustrate His purposes for lack of funds, and He can just as easily supply them ahead of time as afterwards, and He much prefers doing so.”
~ Hudson Taylor

About This Blog

Welcome! I enjoy inspirational quotes for the insight and wisdom they impart in just a few words. I’d like to share them with you in this blog, as well as posts, videos and other content related to achieving affluence in a positive, life-enriching way for yourself & your loved-ones, and then generously helping others achieve wholeness via affluence, too. I like to highlight "All Aspects of Affluence for a Life of 'Heaven on Earth' as Much as Possible for Everyone, Globally!"

FYI: 'Ciao' is an Italian word which means 'Hello' and 'Good-bye'. With the title of this blog, I've chosen 'Hello' because I'm greeting AFFLUENCE and welcoming it into my life, blissfully. I aspire to encourage you to do the same, too, if you are not already doing so. So, essentially, we're saying, "Hello, Affluence!"

Visit '2010' and 'Financial Affluence' to watch and listen to videos featuring people that have welcomed affluence into their lives. I believe you'll find them uplifting and inspiring. Their heart's desires are coming true!

Thank-you for visiting with me! Here's a page of the Marketing Mentor's Resources for Growing Your Creative Business for you. If you're an entrepreneur or would like to become one, I think you'll enjoy the information. Have a delightful day! Take care.

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