Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Free From the Debts of Home Renovation in Six Months!

Hello, Friends! Today's post highlights how Vicki got free from debt after experiencing financial trouble incurred from renovating her home.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Going From Business Debt of Seven Million Dollars to Debt-Free in Four Months

Hello, Friends! Today's post highlights the story of an exceptional plan that made Doug and Catherine free of seven million dollars of business debt in four (4) months!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

From $25 A Day to 100% Debt-Free

Hello, Friends! Today's post highlights how the Newfields achieved their dream to become totally free of debt, even though they once earned only $25.00/day!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Job, Lost! Car, Lost! Dream House, Nearly Lost. Then, Restoration!!

Hello, Friends! Today's post highlights the amazing restoration of blessings that Jennifer Dickerson experienced after losing her job, losing her car and nearly losing her dream house estate.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Heaven-sent Million-dollar Idea

Hello, Friends! Today's post highlights how Anthony's love of the game of golf, his foundation for a God-idea, became positively lucrative for him!  Watch and hear how about his wonderful God-idea.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Poor, Little, Local Business Goes Global

Hello, Friends! Today's post highlights Chris and Heidi's beloved business that started out as a local one producing very little income.  Watch and hear about their successful turn-around for their business!

Friday, September 23, 2011

From Struggling to Keep Up with Bills to Realizing Their Dream

Hello, Friends! Today's post highlights how Annika and Brian took an unusual, difficult and, ultimately, successful step on their path to success. Watch and hear what they did!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ten-fold Business Growth, After Nearly Losing It

Hello, Friends! Today's post highlights Wendell Goodwin's business, how he almost lost it and how it grew ten-fold!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Flourishing Business in a Poor Economy

Hello, Friends! Today's post highlights how the Tussings' heating and air conditioning business is flourishing in a poor economy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Trying to Survive on Five Dollars An Hour

Hello, Friends! Here's a refreshing story about a lady that experienced a victory over the financial lack she was experiencing in her daily life. Watch and listen to her story and how she overcame all of the lack.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Increased Business By 30% in a Tough Economy

Hello, Friends! I hope your daily life is becoming more affulent. Here's a video highlighting how a lady named Keisha achieved 30% growth in her business during a tough economy! Perhaps her example is one that can enlighten other business owners / entrepreneurs about what they can do to achieve business growth in this economy.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Dying Business Turned Into a Thriving Business

Hello, Friends! Today's post highlights the Bibbs' trucking business and how it became a thriving one.

Going from Three Jobs to One Job and Making More Money Than Before

Good Day, Friends!  Today's post features an encouraging story featuring a victory over financial lack that Marlene Carter experienced.  Life can be a bigger blessing to ourselves and others with affluence to do so.  Watch and hear how she achieved more affluence.

About This Blog

Welcome! I enjoy inspirational quotes for the insight and wisdom they impart in just a few words. I’d like to share them with you in this blog, as well as posts, videos and other content related to achieving affluence in a positive, life-enriching way for yourself & your loved-ones, and then generously helping others achieve wholeness via affluence, too. I like to highlight "All Aspects of Affluence for a Life of 'Heaven on Earth' as Much as Possible for Everyone, Globally!"

FYI: 'Ciao' is an Italian word which means 'Hello' and 'Good-bye'. With the title of this blog, I've chosen 'Hello' because I'm greeting AFFLUENCE and welcoming it into my life, blissfully. I aspire to encourage you to do the same, too, if you are not already doing so. So, essentially, we're saying, "Hello, Affluence!"

Visit '2010' and 'Financial Affluence' to watch and listen to videos featuring people that have welcomed affluence into their lives. I believe you'll find them uplifting and inspiring. Their heart's desires are coming true!

Thank-you for visiting with me! Here's a page of the Marketing Mentor's Resources for Growing Your Creative Business for you. If you're an entrepreneur or would like to become one, I think you'll enjoy the information. Have a delightful day! Take care.

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