Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Earth: Created to be Eden Yet, We've Got Quite a Bit of Hell Here!

Photograped by Mila Zinkova
Know Where Your Soul Will Be, Eternally! Please, Don't Go to Hell!

Hi, Everyone!

Many of you have heard of the Garden of Eden. God created the Garden of Eden for humans (formed of dust, breathed into & became a living soul). He made Eden perfect, beautiful, comfortable & abundantly-filled with everything humans would need.

Eden was the 100% organic garden (herbs, vegetables, orchards & more), the air was perfect, the water was pure, everything was 'eco-friendly' and nothing was cursed. Eden had gold, bdellium and onyx (the bling) and livestock (100% healthy cattle, included). Eden was designed to be a perfect, crime-free, safe haven for everyone of all ages (from those still in-the-womb & up through senior adulthood).

As the design of Eden reveals, God's plan was that humans have blissful, affluent, 100% healthy, long lives free of all manner of evil, wickedness, immorality and pain. Instead, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command to not eat of a certain tree, they released a curse upon themselves and the Earth which impacted all humans birthed after them. Their disobedience brought about consequences that God didn't intend nor desire for them, nor any human, to ever experience:

  • a curse upon the snake (Genesis 3:14 LJV)
  • a curse of painful childbirthing (Genesis 3:16 KJV)
  • a curse upon the ground (Genesis 3:17-18 KJV)
  • a curse of hard labor to produce food (Genesis 19 KJV)
  • a curse of knowing evil (they sinned) (Genesis 22 KJV)
Thanks to their disobedience, Earth isn't the 100% Eden experience He planned for us. No, now we have what seems like 50% Eden and 50% Hell-like life and environment. The Hell experience on Earth is manifesting as:

  • polluted air
  • polluted water
  • polluted, depleted soil
  • polluted food
  • GMO's, cloning
  • greed, malice, jealousy, envy, lying
  • crime: murder, rape, incest, stealing/theft, pedophelia, child-trafficking & (older) human-trafficking, slavery
  • abortion of new humans in the forms of fetuses and months-old in-the- womb babies/persons
  • sexual escapades from A-Z beyond what God defined, established and approved, including pornography and prostitution
  • sexually-transmitted diseases and other diseases
These are just a few of the curses that have manifested, bringing the Hell experience right into the Earth. Based on what you've read or will read in the Holy Bible, you know or will know that these are not the experiences our Creator, God, desired nor desires now for His humans to experience. He didn't create Hell for humans. He did create Hell for the devil/Satan/Lucifer (Revelation 20:7-10 NIV). Although, God didn't create Hell for humans, some are there suffering (as souls) in the eternal torment of existing in a 100% Hell environment/experience (Luke 16: 19-31), and others will go if they do not make a crucial choice regarding the destiny of their soul. Now is the time to make that choice. With Earth being this much Hell, I surely do NOT want to spend eternity in absolute Hell! This much Hell, here on Earth, is already too much! And, I would like for no more humans to end up in Hell, please! It was established for Satan and he should be there with his demons only and no one else.

Heaven is every human's second chance at an eternal 'Eden' existence. The first Adam, along with his wife Eve, forfeited the original Eden experience for all of us. Christ Jesus or Jesus the Christ, the second 'Adam' in a sense, has reclaimed and restored our chance at an eternal 'Eden' existence. Now, humans have the choice to accept this second chance. He would like for you/us to live eternally in Heaven. However, He won't force you/us to go; that's why some humans' souls are in eternal Hell ... well, forever. He won't force you to choose Himself as the way/path so that you can go to Heaven.

Final Note to Reflect On: If, the Creator of Heaven, Earth and every creature, human and other things seen and unseen in it, tells you that "I've created only one way, one path, for you to get to Me, to get to My house.", it is futile to argue with Him about what you think are other ways/paths or ought to be other ways/paths to His house. He could say to us, "I created you, I love you and I'm telling you what the way, the path is exactly that you must take if you want to join Me for all eternity at My house. Afterall, this world, the Universe, all humans and everything else, is something I designed and created ... I know the way to My own house! I'm the Creator. YOU are one of My creations. I love you and I'd love for you to spend Eternity with Me!"

We cannot see the wind nor the air, yet we can discern the impact that they have on people and things. God is invisible to our human eyes, yet He is real. You/We can see the evidence of His work in Nature and much more. You/We can speak to Him, even though you/we cannot see Him. Ask Him about these things. Ask Him to prove that His promises/His words are truth. He will do it in ways that you/we can comprehend. Don't be afraid of Him; He loves you/us even though we've broken His rules/protocols/commands/Scripts. He'll listen to you/us. He'll respond in a way that you/we can understand and He will help you/us with each aspect of life, if you/we will accept His help.

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Welcome! I enjoy inspirational quotes for the insight and wisdom they impart in just a few words. I’d like to share them with you in this blog, as well as posts, videos and other content related to achieving affluence in a positive, life-enriching way for yourself & your loved-ones, and then generously helping others achieve wholeness via affluence, too. I like to highlight "All Aspects of Affluence for a Life of 'Heaven on Earth' as Much as Possible for Everyone, Globally!"

FYI: 'Ciao' is an Italian word which means 'Hello' and 'Good-bye'. With the title of this blog, I've chosen 'Hello' because I'm greeting AFFLUENCE and welcoming it into my life, blissfully. I aspire to encourage you to do the same, too, if you are not already doing so. So, essentially, we're saying, "Hello, Affluence!"

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